Online Petition > See Petitions Already Submitted > Petition (Ref #: P00041/23)


Current Details

Reference Number:P00041/23
Status:Being Examined For Compliance With Standing Orders
Name of Petitioner:Mr Steven McCullagh
Petition Title:Government of Ireland should recognise the State of Palestine
Submitted By:Individual
Petition Text:In light of continued breaches of international law by the government of Israel in the collective punishment of citizens of Palestine and their repeated, flagrant breaches of UN resolutions all of which threatens the very existence of both Palestine and the Palestinian people, we, the people of Ireland request our government to formally recognise the statehood of Palestine. To do so does not detract from the validity of the state of Israel, but rather demonstrates equal respect for both countries. Additionally, we ask the Government of Ireland to call for all remaining countries in the world to move forward with us and recognise the state of Palestine and seek urgent and multilateral discussions to establish a two-state, just and lasting peace agreement just as we developed through our own hard-won peace agreement forged after hundreds of years of conflict.

Published: 07 Nov 2023 15:51:32