Online Petition > See Petitions Already Submitted > Petition (Ref #: P00005/15)


Current Details

Reference Number:P00005/15
Name of Petitioner:Mr Thomas Keary
Petition Title:Unpaid Salary for Night Duty Worked
Submitted By:Individual
Petition Text: I commenced employment at Our Lady's Hospital, Ennis Co. Clare in July 1984 as an A.C.N.O. In May 1985 a change of night duty roster was agreed between the nursing unions and Mid Western Health Board management. The change in roster agreed, eliminated an in-built overtime factor for all grades of staff other than the A.C.N.O. grade. To make this new arrangement operate, extra staff were added on to the night duty complement already in situ. However this did not apply to the A.C.N.O. grade. There were 28 nights in each night duty cycle. In the case of Staff Nurses and Nursing Officers, they would now work 13 nights and have 15 nights off in each cycle, however the A.C.N.O.'s continued to work 14 nights and be off 14 nights in each cycle. This meant that each A.C.N.O. worked an extra night in each 4 week cycle. Eventually, I decided to place a claim on record and wrote to the Programme Manager, Special Hospital Programme in June 1988. As there was no reply from that office,I decided to enlist the help of my union, which culminated in a conciliation conference between the I.N.O and the M.W.H.B. in Limerick in 1992. *A settlement between the other A.C.N.O.'s represented by S.I.P.T.U. and the P.N.A. was achieved in December 1992.No agreement was agreed with myself. *I have learned recently that the HSE now pay this extra time worked as overtime to Assistant Directors of Nursing who work on night duty. (copy e-mail available))

Historical Details

1)Status:Being Examined For Compliance With Standing Orders
 Date:22 Apr 2015

Published: 15 May 2015 16.28.55