Online Petition > Submit a Petition Online

Submitting a Petition

Please be advised that during the Parliamentary Summer Recess, the Joint Committee on Public Petitions and the Ombudsmen will still be accepting public petitions but there may be a delay on their review and progression.

A Petition is admissible if it:
  • complies with Standing Orders and is in proper form;
  • does not relate to a case where court proceedings have been initiated and which is being heard or to be heard before a jury;
  • does not contain language which is offensive or defamatory;
  • is not the same as or substantially similar to a petition previously closed by the Committee which was brought by or on behalf of the same person, body corporate or unincorporated association;
  • is not frivolous or vexatious or otherwise an abuse of the petitions system;
  • does not require the Committee to consider an individual complaint which has been the subject of a decision by an Ombudsman or other body established for the purpose of redress.

Please confirm you have read the above explanatory note?

Do you consider that your Petition meets these requirements?

All options above must be checked before being able to proceed to the Online Petition.