Online Petition > Submit a Petition Online

Submitting a Petition

Submitting a Petition - Please Note

Following the dissolution of the 33rd Dáil on 8 November 2024, the Joint Committee on Public Petitions and the Ombudsmen Online Portal to submit Public Petitions is now closed.

A Petition is admissible if it:
  • complies with Standing Orders and is in proper form;
  • does not relate to a case where court proceedings have been initiated and which is being heard or to be heard before a jury;
  • does not contain language which is offensive or defamatory;
  • is not the same as or substantially similar to a petition previously closed by the Committee which was brought by or on behalf of the same person, body corporate or unincorporated association;
  • is not frivolous or vexatious or otherwise an abuse of the petitions system;
  • does not require the Committee to consider an individual complaint which has been the subject of a decision by an Ombudsman or other body established for the purpose of redress.